CONGRATULATIONS to these men & women for a job well done today! Thank you everyone for appreciating the value of soft skills 🙂

SHOWING PROOF OF LEARNING: Via the IITTI World Civility Index. What is this?
Point system that provides a consistent way for employees & trainees to measure Soft Skills.
This Index is somewhat similar to a person’s credit rating, but instead of measuring how well a person can pay his bills, it measures a person’s manners! Qualities like business etiquette, empathy, intercultural awareness. It is now a part of United Nations Sustainable Initiative and an emerging global standard.
The concept is that job-seekers & current employees can get the credential based on the World Civility Index, as proof, to show to employers and even their competition.
From an employer’s point of view, they get to raise company culture (at zero expenditure) simply by requesting job-applicants to have this credential, before coming on board.

Want to upskill your team & elevate your company brand? CONTACT US at +63 – 917 – 8549887 or email carol@enhanceyourimage.asia for more details
I Stand Out & Shine! I
Looks like these business people “got it! ” Understanding that their cumulative point-earning under the World Civility Index allows them to carry this independent credential anywhere they go, no matter who they work for.