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Networking A Room at Diplomatic Events

#AHappyLookback (November 2018, Diplomatic Event, Shangri-la The Fort) IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT: When attending events, how do you network a room? Are you aware of the message your body language is conveying? How about maximizing the power of effective communication? Private Coaching. Corporate Training. Online Learning. CONTACT US @ +63-917-8549887 or email! #AICICertifiedImageProfessional #LicensedIITTIMasterInstructor #EnhanceYourImageTrainingConsultancy

Let’s Walk!

November 23 is INTERNATIONAL IMAGE CONSULTANTS DAY: Enhance Your Image Training Consultancy, Philippines salutes & celebrates with our fellow image professionals in the country and around the world! 😊 Do you know that having a direction guide when walking makes your strides come out much better, instead of just stepping all over the place. Try […]

Telephone Etiquette

How do you represent yourself & your business to customers superbly via telephone communication? How do you seal your greeting, tone of voice, choice of words and close a call that ends positively with clients? TELEPHONE ETIQUETTE refers to the way you use manners & tact to define yourself and the company you are standing […]