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The Communication Advantage With Our Art...

Great job everyone! I appreciate much your energetic participation & candid answers in today’s webinar Session #3: THE COMMUNICATION ADVANTAGE. Looking forward to receiving your audio recordings in our post-activity homework. Get well to Ryan we missed you today! Shout-out to Mr. Vic De Vera (President, Widescope Entertainment Corporation), Neil Gregorio (Entertainment & Musical Director), […]

Self-Care & Wellness

Do you miss working out in a physical gym? For me it’s a big Y-E-S! Some reasons: 1) Availability of many machines targeting the different body parts. 2) Exclusivity feeling that you’re in a safe zone with few people to none. Finally 3) Vast space to do stretching & cool down 😊 #FigureControl We’re on […]

The Business Handshake

Can you spot what is not right with the two in the foreground? 👀 Pre-covid times, handshaking is a standard norm. Nowadays business greetings are extended via smiles & nod on videocalls, or placing the right hand on your heart coupled with a slight bow when in person. #BusinessProtocol Private Coaching. Corporate Training. Online Learning. […]

The Communication Challenge

What a better way to practice answering an impromptu question than to record oneself for post-activity review! #TheCommunicationChallenge Try this yourself and see the difference it makes as it also boosts your presence & confidence 😊 Private Coaching. Corporate Training. Online Learning. CONTACT US at +63-917-8549887 or email! I Stand Out & Shine! […]


Great job everyone! I appreciate much your active participation & relevant inputs in our webinar Session #2: THE BEHAVIOUR EFFECT today. There’s more to do in our post-activity homework so go check your respective emails. Among those to be submitted will include: 1-page paper from the written exercise, 2 video links to be watched with […]